Welcome to the homepage of our service. In the menu below you will find links to forms that have been created to facilitate contact with our institution and to handle administrative matters online. Each form is accompanied by a brief description that will help you choose the appropriate document to complete.
List of Forms
- Request for Access to Public Information
- Petition Submission Request
- General Request under the Act on the Commissioner for Human Rights
- Requests Concerning Digital, Architectural, or Information and Communication Accessibility
- Contact with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Request for Access to Public Information
The principles of access to public information are defined by the Act of 6 September 2001 on Access to Public Information (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2022, item 902). Everyone has the right to access public information, particularly regarding the activities of public authorities, public property, implemented projects, and the way public duties are carried out.
A request for access to public information may be submitted by any person, whether an individual or a legal entity, in written, electronic, or oral form. Public information that has not been published in the Public Information Bulletin is provided upon request.
Requests are processed in accordance with the deadlines specified in the Act, i.e., without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date of submission. In cases where an extension is necessary, the applicant will be informed of the reasons and the new deadline, which may not exceed 2 months.
In situations where the request concerns matters that do not fall within the competence of the Commissioner for Human Rights, it will be forwarded to the appropriate authority, and the applicant will be duly informed.
Petition Submission Request
The procedure for submitting and processing petitions is defined by the Act of 11 July 2014 on Petitions (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2018, item 870). A petition may be submitted by an individual, a legal entity, an organizational unit that is not a legal entity, or a group of such entities.
The subject of the petition must concern matters within the scope of the tasks and competencies of the Commissioner for Human Rights. If the Commissioner is not competent in a given case, the petition is forwarded to the authority responsible for handling petitions.
General Request under the Act on the Commissioner for Human Rights
The operation of the Commissioner for Human Rights (CHR) is defined by the Act of 15 July 1987 on the Commissioner for Human Rights (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2020, item 627). The Commissioner is an independent legal authority established to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and other legal acts.
Any citizen, foreigner, legal entity, or other organizational unit may contact the Commissioner if they believe that their rights or freedoms have been violated by the actions or omissions of public authorities. The Commissioner may also act on his own initiative if he deems it necessary to protect civil rights and freedoms.
Requests Concerning Digital, Architectural, or Information and Communication Accessibility
The rules for submitting requests regarding digital accessibility are defined by the Act of 4 April 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Public Entities’ Websites and Mobile Applications (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2023, item 1440), while requests concerning architectural or information and communication accessibility are defined by the Act of 19 July 2019 on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2024, item 1411). These Acts oblige public institutions to take measures aimed at eliminating barriers and ensuring accessibility.
Contact with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
To facilitate communication with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, dedicated contact forms have been prepared to enable you to submit inquiries, reports, or comments to the appropriate departments. Please choose the appropriate form to get in touch with us.
- Personal Data Protection
Purpose of contact: Inquiries and questions regarding the processing of personal data, GDPR compliance, and other issues related to data protection.
- Public Information Bulletin (PIB) Editorial Office
Purpose of contact: Comments, suggestions, and questions related to the content of the Public Information Bulletin.
- Accessibility Coordinator
Purpose of contact: Requests regarding digital, architectural, and information-communication accessibility, as well as reporting barriers.
- Webmaster of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Purpose of contact: Reporting technical issues related to the operation of the website and providing feedback on the service's functionality.
- Invitations, Acknowledgments, Sponsorships, and Others
Purpose of contact: Submissions (description to be updated).